Principal Message

It is a matter of great pride and privilege for me to be a part and parcel of such an educational institution which is the first and only school in and around Tandoorwali, Hanumangarh Rajasthan where one can utilize and focus the energy, in developing and motivating students towards all round development. Our institution is initiating to achieve over curricular and extra-curricular activities by training the heart, mind and body of our students. We root our values in the sacredness of human life and try to instil in our students mind the significance of the dictum "Exist and Coexist". Hence community service is introduced from junior classes and it takes a pivotal position in grooming our student's perception towards their social responsibilities. In this modern age of competition, I want my students to be the best in their field of choice and also come out as wholesome individuals with ethics & values. We want to be instrumental in bringing up a peaceful society that is well educated in mind, thoughts, words and actions. I believe every human being is born with Intellectual Quotient. We at APS work towards developing the Spiritual & Emotional Quotient of students for their holistic development. As the New and Founder Principal , I am delighted that the school 's values align with my personal values, including the importance of trust, respect, innovation and a sense of community. May God shower all his blessings and strength to fulfil the vision and mission of my school.
